Lights, theatre, action! No, I’ve
not been on the stage myself, certainly in the theatre though, you see I’ve been back under. I’ve been back under and it didn’t go so
well. Despite the attestations, the protestations, the affitmations, it hasn’t
gone well at all. The operation, sorry proceduralists, pro-cee-dure, was
intended to be a one shot shop, a cure all in a final call theatre session
where they brought my base stimulator device up to maximum capacity by
implanting an additional three electrodes. That troublesome area would be shot
right in its, ahem foot, before it was even able to send out any more of those
nasty pain emissaries ( I imagine the signals being carried by miniature giants
in my body, riding on great woolly mammoths - like in that amazing battle scene
at the Wall in GoT).
There was one in particular that
I was hankering for, just one electrode that would correspond with the ol’
nerves along my ribs at T3. I was certainly
encouraging the other two as well, one
electrode to cover the top region at T1, and another to try and attack the
dastardly pain from the right hand side. Things did not go to plan. I AWOKE ON THE OPERATING TABLE! I awoke on
the operating table while they were still stitching my incisions, needless to say
I am not a fan of the anaesthetist, who tried to laugh the matter away, and
then proceeded to prescribe analgesia without any regard for my history. Instead of waking groggily in the recovery
room sometime after the procedure, I left the theatre sobbing with pain, and
the trauma of the very event.
Later that day, my programmer
came to visit me in my room, in disbelief of the negligence of the anaethetist.
Ahh, it wasn’t just in my head. She also
dropped into conversation they’d been unable to place the last electrode, the
lower one, at T3. Apparently the operation
had gone overtime, and they couldn’t keep me on the table any longer as I was
moving around.. hhhmm , perhaps because I wasn’t ANAESTHETISED? I’m so crushed, I have no words, oh except
Now I has the tears. Should not read this on lunch break. You need to get the next one free and contemplate legal action. I HATE YOUR LIFE!!! xxxxxxx
It's Binsy by the way. xxxxx Candle on!
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