Wednesday, April 09, 2014

A week or so...

Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot...  When I say that in my head, I have an hilarious sample from The Family Guy running through my mind.  It works regardless though. Each day plods along pain in, pain out, oh no- no pain out, just pain, relentless, tiresome, I'm going to follow you until you're not there anymore, pain.

In light of my previous post, I asked my surgeon how long it might be until I might be able to shower, and he asked me to travel to his rooms, over an hour away, for post-surgery wound inspection.  I stood my ground like the crybaby I am, impossible.

Instead I was allowed to see a local doctor and report back. I completely forgot that I was entitled to a free home doctor visit under my most excellent health insurance policy, even though I happened to be on the phone to the health insurance company when it was time to leave for the appointment. 

So, the upshot is, it's been a bit rough for me post car trip, although it was only twenty minutes return.  The implant device is implanted in my right buttock, making for a right uncomfortable car trip, even with my lovely latex pillow along for the ride.

But I‘ll be able to shower in  a week or so.


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