Friday, April 18, 2014


Ain't that the truth, well the truth as I've discovered. Dastardly expectations, they'll bring you down every time. Obviously it's important to expect high standards of yourself, but I've certainly come to realise, the hard way, that you can't count on your life's plan staying on track.  The weight of crushed expectation is a an albatross for sure, if you're thinking in Ancient Mariner terms that is.. 

Gosh, for a moment there I was sounding darned preacher like, well wrap me up like an evangelical giftbox, and send me to the closest prayer tent!

In more important news, I definitely feel improved today, I think my chest infection is clearing.  Although, admittedly, I did give in and apply more patches.  But hopefully, the surgical pain will have diminished enough by next week, that I won't need to do this again.  It's raining and stormy outside, the leave whirling through the air in an autumnal maelstrom. It's nice being in bed today.


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