I intended for this to be an open discussion on experience
of, and the recovery process from the spinal cord stimulator surgeries. I found other people’s stories to be so helpful
when I was considering whether this would
Until today.
Today was a day that dressings were changed, and I thought I’d duly grab the opportunity to capture the moment, and the scarring, for time immemorial.
Until today.
Today was a day that dressings were changed, and I thought I’d duly grab the opportunity to capture the moment, and the scarring, for time immemorial.
I will save ye all from the fate I have suffered. For it seems that there is truly no end to the indignity, nor to the hardship that I must endureth. I’M HIDEOUS!!!
Reviewing the photos, particularly of the implant scar, gave me that feeling one only feels when one has been sick in one’s mouth.
On the upside, I'm shuffling a little faster.
Instead, I bring you this delightful, and un-nauseating, picture of our doggy. You are welcome.
I welcome your pictures of your scars. My scars are hideous, but tell my story. The journey I've been through and still live in every day. However, I do LOVE your DOGGY!
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