Sunday, April 27, 2014


It finally arrived, my medicalert ID bracelet. See the picture? 

Sorry, not the greatest, but I just used my phone, in the dark. It’s rose gold, with a filigree ID tag.  It states, “NO MRI, spinal cord stimulator implant”.  That’s it right.  It doesn't say Sambot though, although I thought about it. Ugh, ending a sentence with a preposition, sorry, it was for dramatic effect.  I only ever do it for dramatic effect, I call it artistic license.

I've been silent because my chest pain has been back with a vengeance, keeping me from going to sleep, keeping me from staying asleep, stabbing and relentless, like my heart is covered with a deep rooted infectious scab that's being ripped and torn apart.  Eeeuuwww, while that was really disgusting, it's actually quite an accurate description. 

My technician called to check in to me the other day and I expressed my fears and anxiety about the increasing, and re-surging pain, and she suggested that I give myself a master reset.  Hilarious. I turn the stimulation off for about an hour, and then restarted it at 10% and slowly increased the stimulation, until ultimately I ended up where I began, at 92%.  Even so, it was very reassuring to speak with her, she said it was normal for me to experience this breakthrough pain.  She said that I would definitely need reprogramming, as things move as healing happens.

Once I turned the stimulation off, I certainly noticed it.

 If nothing else, it made me realize that even now, with this breakthrough pain, the stimulation is working.  When it was off, and I was hit with the full force of the pain of yester-month, I found myself instantly back at the precipice of desperation, and I wanted to reach for the magic potion. But no, even somewhat failed stimulation is markedly better than that, teetering on that precipice.  So, Tuesday, back to the hospital for reprogramming, fingers crossed she has parameters of perfection for me now, like she did during the trial.

 In more positive news, three and half weeks post major procedure, today, I walked around the block! Oh yes, big news around here, much excitement.


Unknown said...

You had me at yester-month. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

I thought it to be somewhat lyrical.. why not eh! Yester- yester!!

My Spinal Cord Stimulator Journey said...

I hope this hello finds you feeling better these post surgery days. For me there were many ups and downs. Take the ups and make the most. When your having a down please call on a friend who understands you and your pain. I have many, good, faithful. friends but none who really understands day to day chronic pain. Oh, I know they've experienced pain and don't mean to say they haven't. I just think long term pain sometimes leaves you feeling like no one could possibly understand.

I hope your adjustments are working out for you and your getting the relief you so deserve. It took me quite some time to get there but I never gave up hope that I would.

My comment was supposed to be about your bracelet! I love it. In the beginning I looked around a lot and never saw one quite so pretty. I stopped looking and honestly forgot I should get one. I do keep my card handy and get in out when needed.
Gentle hugs and prayers. Keep on blogging

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